apachayan karana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Management increases efficiency: The aim of a manager is to reduce costs and increase productivity through better planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling the activities of the organisation.
Non-verbal and performance tests help reduce the cultural bias usually associated with verbal tests.
They encourage cooperative behaviour and reduce their antisocial activities.
In a developing country like India such choices have to be made to remove or reduce unemployment, to improve access to education and primary health care for all, to provide for good administration, to provide sufficiently for the defence of the country and so on.Transliterated examples :
1. - Right of grace: law, which certain heads of state, to reduce or commute a sentence 2. Among the disadvantages, we must mention the risk of congestion, which reduce the speed of exchanges, and the high cost of long distance communications 3. and reduce the public sector deficit 4. As for Descartes, the vast project to reduce all phenomena to the extent and the movement requires him, in a cosmos full of subtle environments, consider the gravitational effects such as whirlpools 5. But a consequence of Fe replacing MgCa, Mn is to reduce the molecular volume of the garnet: strong pressure tends to stabilize a rich garnet almandine or pyropeGiven are the examples of hindi word apachayan karana usage in english sentences. The examples of apachayan karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., reduce.
Obviously, management is concerned with the efficient use of these resources, because they reduce costs and ultimately lead to higher profits.
Management increases efficiency: The aim of a manager is to reduce costs and increase productivity through better planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling the activities of the organisation.
Non-verbal and performance tests help reduce the cultural bias usually associated with verbal tests.
They encourage cooperative behaviour and reduce their antisocial activities.
Effective directing through motivation, communication and leadership helps to reduce such resistance and develop required cooperation in introducing changes in the organisation.
Realisation of a motive causes restlessness in the individual which prompts some action to reduce such restlessness.
Motivation helps to reduce employee turnover and thereby saves the cost of new recruitment and training.
Motivation helps to reduce absenteeism in the organisation.
The check-dams stop the rainwater from flowing away and also reduce soil erosion.
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